5 Tips for a Healthy Marriage

San Jose, CA  /  7th anniversary

San Jose, CA / 7th anniversary


#1  Weekly Dates

It's amazing how much easier it is to communicate well when you schedule consistent time together. Tuesdays work best for us!

#2  Less Phone Time

Strong marriages (and friendships!) are forged with face-to-face interaction, not by liking each other's posts.

#3  Local Church

Married couples can disagree on a lot of things, but when it comes to your worldview, you’ve got to be on the same page. If you don't know what you believe, learn together. Ask older couples for help. Talk to us! Holly & I can’t imagine life without all the encouragement we get from our local church family!

#4  No Secrets

Trust the person with whom you've entrusted the rest of your days. Be open, honest, loyal, and forgiving.

#5  Keep Smiling

Every season of life has incredible hardships and incredible blessings. Look up. Press on. Choose joy. As you go dancing in the minefields, remember that a healthy life is filled with laughter.

jared miller